Planning A Home Evacuation Plan For Your Family

Considering recent events, it’s important to develop an emergency preparedness plan for your family and review it regularly. Many families are not prepared in major disasters and find themselves apart from their close family members, without any food, tools, or resources. In the event of a major natural disaster, having acted on these suggestions could be the difference in your family’s survival or not.

Preparation Checklist

Home Exit and Re-Unification Strategy

Depending on the emergency, you may want to keep and share a map of your home with your family identifying best possible evacuation strategies in case of fire. On this blueprint, you can also include markings where best possible hiding spaces are in case of intruders or tornadoes, and where supplies will be kept. Having maps available in case of loss of electronic use (GPS), and determining the best possible place to meet up if you are separated, are great ideas.

Create “Go-Bags” or “Bug-Out” Bags

Water, non-perishable food, a can opener, a charged prepaid flip phone, some first aid supplies, emergency blankets, scissors are just a few necessary items to store in one or more backpacks. You can find checklists for “bug-out” bags online and determine which supplies the best suit your family and region in which you live and its possible emergencies.

Keep First Aid Supplies in Your Vehicle

It’s likely you will leave your home and neighborhood by vehicle and even if not for emergency preparedness and home evacuation, you never know when you may find a vehicle first aid kit useful. There are some neat ones that are organized based on injury and include easy instructions for the most common injuries.

Compile and Keep Several Emergency Contact Lists

Emergency shelters, non-emergency police, poison control, Red Cross and any other helpful phone numbers, addresses and contact information should be compiled in a list and have several copies printed and kept in your bug-out bags, as well as one for the fridge. On this list, you can also add any local and long distance family member’s contact information in case of a need to reach out to them.

Call Regular Family Meetings

You’ll have to call an initial family meeting to discuss possible emergencies and your evacuation plan, but calling regular family meetings to discuss any topics in need of attention or revisiting emergency plans, is a great idea to bring your family together and unite yourselves as a team.

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